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Aliens Board game
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Aliens Board game

Bought that playset, but want more to do with it? No probs.

Aliens: Overrun

Requirments: Deluxe Playset, 6-10 Marines, 7-11 Aliens, a coin or dice. (Note: everything but the coins and dice can be doubled if you have another playset to add.)



Marines: Wipe out the aliens and their eggs

Aliens: Wipe out the Marines




Every speacies gets one turn, starting with marines. Each piece may move one grate perturn (unless it attacks an alien) The large grates can have up to 2 marines or one alien. On each level is 2 crates. Aliens can leap up to one level if there's room. (Holes or edges with no railings) Staircases and ladders can be climbed or decnded when a piece gets to its base.


Crates: These can be moved with a marine to form barriers over holes or edges, or be pushed over the edge by either speacies to knock out one piece for a turn. If the crate falls off the map completly, then it is removed from play. Crates can be stacked as well.

Eggs: Aliens may move their eggs to numerouse areas of the map. In which at the start of each Alien turn can spawn one alien from one egg. Marines can destroy eggs without flipping a coin/dice role.

Attacking: Marines may attack aliens and eggs at the cost of the attacking piece not moving for that turn. They can only attack if the alien is one grate away from the piece. If the coin lands on heads, the alien is dead, but you must flip the coin again to see if the attacking marine got any acid on him. If its heads, the marine is killed along with the alien. If an alien is on a space next to a marine, the marine is killed. IF a marine has its back turned to an alien, the alien side may flip a coin to leap at the fleeing marine (if he's 2 spaces or less away) If its heads, the marine is killed.

Concusions: If a crate is knocked over by either speacies and an enemy is hit on the lower level, the enemy piece will not be able to attack or move for one turn. If an alien leaps down from a level and lands on a space with a marine, the marine is killed.

Regenerating: Aliens get one drone every turn on a space near an egg. The marine commander (Apone) must be behind a crate with no aliens behind him to call in one marine on a space near Apone. (at the expence of moving and attacking) The new arrival cannot move or attack untill the next turn.

Destruction: If an alien is on the second level and makes it to the support beam marked with a 3, the player must flip a coin, if he gets heads, losen the support beam untill its out of the socket, then let go of it. Anything on the first level that falls of the map is killed, if a player piece lands without falling off the map, it is in concusion for one turn. Anything knocked over by the tumbling level is killed. Aliens can also knock over ladders. If the ladder falls on a marine, the marine is in concusion for one turn.




To start: Marines start on level one with only 7 marines. Aliens start with one drone and the eggs. Marines go first. At the start of each alien turn, one Alien spawns near one egg.

To finish: Once all the Aliens and their eggs are killed, the Marines win. Once all the Marines are killed, the Aliens win.







When more pieces and sets are avilible, more rules and abiloties will come.



The start of the game should look like this.  The marines on top, and the Aliens on the bottom. (U can arrange the crates, eggs, staircase, and extra ladder where ever you want, as long as the eggs are on the bottom level and there are 2 crates on each level.  


One the marines first turn, up to 2 can move down the ladder. (since there's 2 spaces at the ladders base.)


On the aliens first time, one drone spawns. (so on your first turn, you should have 2 drones.)


A bonus of where my first drone spawn, is right below a hole. So I used his space to leap up to level 2.


While my other drone moves an egg.


To keep my alien from attacking the decending marines, my opponent has one marine place a crate infront of the path to them.


Too bad for him, while hes busy getting his rines down and making cover, I went to the support beam! And since he had 3 marines still on level 1, that was a mistake he has to regret. I flipped a quarter and got heads!


Because all of his marines wher positioned near the edge, when it fell over, it wiped out all but one of his marines! (I gotta tell ya, that was cool.)


To make things worse, he moved his marine closer to my alien, while moving the crate, with his back turned.


I flipped heads on my turn, and pounced em! No Marines and all Aliens means Jack just lost his first game!
Think your speacies will survive?

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